Written Questions Tabled in the Senate Chamber
by Senator Downe,
41st Parliament, 2nd Session
April 7, 2014—Could the Government of Canada please provide the following information related to the War Veterans Allowance (WVA) program:
i. How many Allied veterans have applied for the program since it was expanded in June 2009?
ii. What is the criteria that Allied veterans must meet to be eligible for the WVA? (e.g. Do they have to be Canadian citizens, permanent residents, or living in Canada?)
iii. How many applicants have been approved?
iv. How many family members of Allied veterans have applied for the program since it was expanded in June 2009?
v. How many have been approved to receive the benefit?
vi. What is the total value of benefits approved for Allied veterans and their families since the WVA was expanded in June 2009?
vii. After submitting an application, what is the average wait-time for Allied veterans and/or their families to receive a benefit?
April 7, 2014—With respect to funding from foreign governments, embassies, state- owned enterprises, or affiliated organizations and individuals:
1. Does the Government of Canada, its departments, agencies or Crown corporations monitor religious organizations in Canada that receive funding from foreign governments, embassies, state- owned enterprises, or affiliated organizations and individuals?
(a) If so, which specific Government of Canada departments, agencies or Crown corporations monitor these financial contributions?
(b) What is the nature of the information that has been collected?
(c) How is this information used?
2. Does the Government of Canada require religious organizations that receive any funding over $50,000 from outside Canada to disclose:
(a) the sources of their funding;
(b) the amount of funding; and/or
(c) what the funds were used for?
3. What are the results of the disclosures, if any, in question 2?
April 7, 2014—The Jean Canfield Building and environmental commitments
The Jean Canfield Building, located in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, is considered to be one of the most environmentally friendly buildings ever undertaken by Public Works and Government Services Canada. When first conceived, the Government of Canada pledged the building would showcase world-leading environmental technologies and announced several environmental commitments regarding the project.
Could the Government of Canada please provide the following information:
1. What sustainable technologies and design features originally planned for the Jean Canfield building were not included in the final design or were abandoned during completion of the project, and why?
2. What environmental commitments did the government make with respect to the design, construction and operation of the Jean Canfield Building?
3. Has the Jean Canfield Building successfully met the environmental commitments from the answer to question #2?
April 2, 2014—With regard to Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC):
(a) How many persons were employed by VAC in Prince Edward Island for each of the fiscal years 2009-2010, 2010- 2011, 2011-2012, and 2012-2013 broken down by (i) indeterminate, (ii) full-time employees, (iii) part-time employees, (iv) term contract employees, (v) student contract employees; and
(b) what was the total remuneration for VAC employees in Prince Edward Island for the same periods in (a)?
April 2, 2014—With respect to bonuses (i.e. performance pay and at-risk pay) at the Department of Veterans Affairs (VAC):
(a) how many employees at VAC were eligible to receive bonuses in each of the fiscal years for the period 2005 — 2013;
(b) how many employees at VAC received bonuses in each of the fiscal years for the period 2005 — 2012, and what was the (i) minimum bonus,
(ii) maximum bonus, and (iii) average bonus, broken down by bonus type; and
(c) how many employees at VAC received bonuses awarded in whole, or in part, for achieving a savings or spending target in each of the fiscal years for the period 2005 — 2013, and what was the (i) minimum bonus, (ii) maximum bonus, and (iii) average bonus?
March 25, 2014—With respect to the Veterans Charter:
Veterans Affairs Canada began granting a tax-free, lump sum disability award and a tax-free, lump sum death benefit in 2005.
A. Could the Government of Canada provide the following information for each fiscal year from 2005 to 2013:
(i) How many veterans have received a lump sum disability award?
(ii) How many families have received a lump sum death benefit?
(iii) How many problem cases associated with a lump sum disability award or death benefit have been forwarded to the Minister of Veterans Affairs' or Deputy Minister's attention?
(iv) How many recipients of the lump-sum disability award or death benefit filed a complaint with the department about either benefit?
(v) After receiving a lump-sum payment, how many recipients or their dependants have requested additional funds?
B. Are follow-up assessments with lump-sum payment recipients or their dependants conducted by the department?
C. Has Veterans Affairs Canada reviewed or evaluated the lump-sum disability award and death benefit programs? If so, what findings or conclusions have been made?
March 25, 2014—With respect to the Enhanced New Veterans Charter Act:
In response to a written question tabled in the Senate on November 4, 2013, Julian Fantino, the Minister of Veterans Affairs, confirmed that as of August 31, 2013, an incalculable amount of the promised "two billion dollars'' of changes to the New Veterans Charter had been spent on 2717 veterans who were receiving increased monthly financial compensation through the earnings loss benefit; 590 veterans who were receiving increased access to the Permanent Incapacity Allowance; and 202 veterans who were receiving access to the Exception Incapacity Allowance.
Would the Government of Canada provide the following information regarding the answer of the Minister:
A. How much have payments increased on average for the 2717 veterans entitled to increased earnings loss benefits;
B. How much have payments increased for each of the 2717 veterans entitled to increased earnings loss benefits;
C. How much have payments increased on average for the 590 veterans entitled to increased Permanent Incapacity Allowances;
D. How much have payments increased for each of the 590 veterans entitled to increased Permanent Incapacity Allowances;
E. How much have payments increased on average for the 202 veterans entitled to Exceptional Incapacity Allowances; and
F. How much have payments increased for each of the 202 veterans entitled to Exceptional Incapacity Allowances?
March 25, 2014—With respect to the benefit provided by the Government of Canada for veterans' funeral and burial expenses:
A. What is the maximum amount available through the Veterans Funeral and Burial Program for funeral services?
B. How does the amount in (A) compare to the allowable maximum established for members of the RCMP and Canadian Forces?
C. In order to qualify for the maximum amount available through the Veterans Funeral and Burial Program, what must a veteran's estate be valued at?
D. How does the amount in (C) compare to the means test established for members of the RCMP and Canadian Forces?
E. How many requests for assistance with burial costs were made in each of the fiscal years from 2006-2013?
F. How many of the requests in (E) were approved?
G. For the requests in (E), please provide a breakdown, by fiscal year, summarizing the reasons for rejecting the requests ( e.g. value of estate did not satisfy means test, veteran did not serve in First and Second World War or Korea, etc.) and the number of requests that were rejected for each reason.
March 25, 2014—With respect to public appointments:
In the Conservative Party's 2008 Election Platform, Prime Minister Harper stated on Page 25:
"We will work to ensure that appointees to federal agencies, boards, commissions and Crown corporations reflect the diversity of Canada in language, gender, region, age and ethnicity.''
Could the Government of Canada provide:
A. Statistics on all recipients of public appointments to federal agencies, boards, commissions, Crown corporations, etc. since December 1, 2008, specifically the gender, region, age, ethnicity and language of the appointees?
B. list of all appointments of Prince Edward Island Residents since 2006 to federal agencies, boards, commissions, Crown corporations, etc.
March 25, 2014—With respect to Veterans Affairs Canada and Canada Revenue Agency regarding the self- identification of Canadian Veterans and their families:
A parliamentary committee report entitled Shared Experiences: Comparisons of Veterans Services Offered by Members of the Commonwealth and the G8 recommended that Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) explore with Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) the possibility of modifying income tax returns in order to allow veterans and their families to identify themselves so that they can receive information on all available financial benefits.
CRA has worked with other federal government departments, including Human Resources and Skills Development Canada, to improve program delivery. For example, since 2007, individuals filing income tax returns do not have to re- apply each year to receive the Guaranteed Income Supplement. Instead, they are identified automatically by CRA based on their reported income.
A. Please explain why the Government of Prime Minister Harper refused to include information for veterans and their families on/with tax forms.
(i) What criteria were used in the decision?
(ii) What was the policy rationale for the decision?
B. Is the federal government considering any other information sharing arrangements to better identify veterans and their families in order to ensure that they receive the benefits to which they are entitled?
March 25, 2014—With respect to the Do Not Call List:
Since January 1, 2010, what is:
(a) the total number and dollar value of Administrative Monetary Penalties (AMPs) that have been imposed;
(b) the total number and dollar value of AMPs that have been paid to date;
(c) the total number of negotiated settlements that have been reached to date;
(d) the total number and dollar value of negotiated settlements that have been paid to date; and
(e) the number of companies who have refused to either pay an AMP or reach a negotiated settlement?
March 25, 2014—With respect to fines issued for violations of the Do Not Call List:
1. For Pecon Software Ltd. and their reported fine of $495,000:
(a) did the company seek a review of the fine,
(b) what was the total dollar value of the fine after a review, if any, was completed,
(c) did the company request a negotiated settlement of the fine,
(i) was a negotiated settlement reached,
(ii) what was the total value of the negotiated settlement, if any,
(d) what is the total dollar value of the fine, if any, that has been paid to date,
(e) has the company refused to pay the fine or reach a negotiated settlement; and
2. For Avaneesh Software and their reported fine of $12,000,
(a) what was the finding of the Violation and Review Panel
(b) what was the total dollar value of the fine after the review, if any,
(c) did the company request a negotiated settlement of the fine,
(i) was a negotiated settlement reached,
(ii) what was the total value of the negotiated settlement, if any,
(d) what is the total dollar value of the fine, if any, that has been paid to date,
(e) has the company refused to pay the fine or reach a negotiated settlement?
March 25, 2014— With respect to Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC), the recommendation by the Special Needs Advisory Group (SNAG) in 2006 that Veterans Affairs Canada employ veterans, and the response of the Government to an October 19, 2010, Inquiry of Ministry on this subject:
(a) What has been the impact of the recruitment plan developed by VAC in response to SNAG's recommendation?
(b) What, if any, further action has been taken to implement the recommendation since the response of the Government to the Inquiry of Ministry in February 2011?
(c) Has SNAG reviewed or commented upon the actions taken by the government thus far?
(d) What has been the response, if any, of the Government to these comments?
February 13, 2014—With regard to the Veterans Affairs-trained agent at Service Canada in Charlottetown:
(a) How many hours per week does the agent work;
(b) does the agent work on veterans' cases exclusively;
(c) if the answer to (b) is no, what percentage of the agent's work relates to veterans' cases;
(d) is the salary for this agent paid by Service Canada or Veterans Affairs Canada;
(e) is this agent a permanent employee of Service Canada or Veterans Affairs;
(f) is this veteran-focused position a temporary or indefinite staffing arrangement at Service Canada in Charlottetown; and
(g) if the answer to (f) is temporary, for how long is this staffing arrangement expected to remain in place?
February 13, 2014—With respect to veterans working in the Department of Veterans Affairs Canada:
(a) How many veterans have been hired at Veterans Affairs Canada since 2009;
(b) how many of these were medically released members of the Canadian Forces hired in priority through the Public Service Commission;
(c) what percentage of all hires at Veterans Affairs Canada since 2009 have been veterans (including medically released veterans); and
(d) what specific efforts are being made by the department to increase the number, and percentage, of veterans working within Veterans Affairs Canada?
February 13, 2014—With respect to legal action against the Government of Canada regarding the Veteran's Charter:
(a) what is the total amount of money spent by all federal departments and agencies, broken down by department and agency, for the time period of January 1, 2010, to January 31, 2014, in its defence against the Canadian veterans' class action lawsuit;
(b) what is the total amount of money all federal departments and agencies have spent to hire outside legal counsel, broken down by department and agency, for the time period in (a)?
November 4, 2013—With respect to lawyers working for the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA):
Would the Government of Canada provide the following information:
A. How many lawyers were employed for each of the years 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013; and
B. How many were working as tax prosecutors for each of the years in (a)?
November 4, 2013—With respect to revenue savings at Canada Revenue Agency (CRA):
Budget 2011 announced "tax fairness'' measures and changes to tax regulations that the government claimed would "yield $240 million in savings in 2011-2012, rising to about $1.0 billion by 2013-2014.''
Would the Government of Canada provide the following information:
A. What savings has the Canada Revenue Agency realized, by year, as a result of the implementation of these measures; and
B. Which measures yielded those results?
November 4, 2013—With respect to overseas tax evasion:
Canada lags behind countries such as the United Kingdom, Australia and the United States when it comes to cracking down on tax cheats who hide money offshore.
More financial resources to combat tax evasion are needed and are clearly justified given that an infusion of $30 million dollars from the February 2005 budget to counter Aggressive International Tax Planning yielded a total fiscal impact in excess of $2.5 billion dollars in just four years.
The government took a step in the right direction when it announced in a news release dated May 8, 2013 that "new measures'' to fight overseas tax evasions including "[a]n addition $15 million in reallocated CRA (Canada Revenue Agency) funds that will be used to bring in new audit and compliance resources dedicated exclusively to international compliance issues and revenue collection identified as a result of measures outlined in Economic Action Plan 2013.''
Would the Government of Canada provide the following information:
A. What, specifically, are these "new audit and compliance resources'';
B. What is each projected to cost; and
C. From where, within the CRA, will the $15 million be "reallocated''?
November 4, 2013—With respect to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) Enforcement and Disclosures Directorate:
Finance Minister Jim Flaherty announced in Budget 2013 that resources at the CRA would be cut by $259 million in addition to the 2568 jobs that are being eliminated at the Agency. For a government that insists it is serious about tackling overseas tax evasion, cutting CRA's resources given its underwhelming record of collecting hidden funds and convicting, let alone prosecuting, offshore tax cheats seems counterintuitive.
Would the Government of Canada provide the following information for the years 2003-2013, inclusive, broken down by year:
A. What is the budget of the Directorate;
B. How many people work at the Directorate; and
C. What training does CRA staff receive in the investigation, auditing or prosecution of cases involving tax evasion offshore?
November 4, 2013—With respect to the government's September 2007 announcement of a "one-time, tax-free, ex gratia payment of $20,000 related to the testing of unregistered U.S. military herbicides, including Agent Orange, at Canadian Forces Base Gagetown:
While campaigning in the 2006 federal election, Stephen Harper stated: "Our government will stand up for full compensation for persons exposed to defoliant spraying during the period from 1956 to 1984.''
Instead, on September 12, 2007, the Government announced a disappointing compensation package for those affected by the spraying of Agent Orange, offering payment only to those who served between 1966 and 1967.
The Departments of Justice, Health, National Defence and Veterans Affairs then spent $7.8 million in legal costs fighting deserving veterans who had to bring a class action lawsuit against the government to force Prime Minister Stephen Harper to honour his commitment.
Would the Government of Canada provide the following information:
A. How much money was budgeted for these payments;
B. How many payments were issued;
C. How much of the money budgeted was not paid out in ex gratia payments; and
D. What was done with the money that was not paid out?
November 4, 2013—With respect to the Enhanced New Veterans Charter Act:
In 2010, the then Minister of Veterans Affairs Jean-Pierre Blackburn announced "two billion dollars'' of changes to the New Veterans Charter when he introduced the Enhanced New Veterans Charter Act.
Could the Government of Canada provide the following information regarding the measures "totaling two billion dollars'' contained in the Enhanced New Veterans Charter Act, tabled by the government in November 2010:
A. Over what time frame is this money to be spent; and
B. How much of the $2 billion has already been spent?
C. Where was the money spent?
October 16, 2013—With respect to the Disability Tax Credit, would the Government please provide the following information:
For the period 2005 to present, broken down by fiscal year:
(a) How many people have applied for the credit?
(b) How many applications have been rejected?
(c) On what grounds were those claims rejected?
(d) How many applications were rejected upon further request for further information from the family practitioner?
(e) How many applications were rejected due to a lack of further information from the family practitioner?
(f) How many rejections were overturned upon receipt of further information from the family practitioner?
(g) How many rejections were formally appealed?
(h) How many formal appeals were successful?
October 16, 2013—With respect to the government decentralization:
A. Could the Government of Canada provide information on proposals prepared from January 1, 2006, to October 1, 2013, regarding the relocation of federal government departments (or parts thereof), agencies and Crown corporations from the National Capital area to the regions of Canada?
B. Could the Government of Canada provide information on assessments completed from January 1, 2006, to October 1, 2013, regarding which federal government departments (or parts thereof), agencies or Crown corporations could be relocated from the National Capital area to the regions of Canada?